04 801 8550

8 Kent Terrace, Mount Victoria


"Finally a Real Estate Agent who has something intelligent to say about the subject! Craig’s informative articles give true insights into Real Estate sales in a clear and succinct manner."

Guy Littlejohn, Managing Director, Revive Coffee

Why it's critical to think outside the square?
In real estate, following the herd can lead to less than stellar decision-making. The term...
How High Will Interest Rates Go?
What Are Interest Rates? When you borrow money from a bank, financial institution or other type of...
How Does KiwiSaver Work?
What is KiwiSaver, and Why Is It Valuable? KiwiSaver is a voluntary retirement savings scheme...
Buying A New Build Home?
If you’re looking at buying a new build home, there are things to be aware of regarding the...
What's the Difference Between Market Appraisal and Valuation?
If you're thinking about buying or selling a home, you'll want to know what it's worth. You want...
New Zealand Housing Market Trends
When we look at real estate trends, we look both forwards and backwards. Based on what has happened...

1 - 6 of 20 Posts

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